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Look for the Miracles - Ann Cox

Our customer Ann writes about her brave journey with Breast Cancer, by sharing her story we hope it brings encouragement and hope to all those needing it.

Thank you Ann for these inspiring words, and for your own courage! We love you!


"I found out this summer that I have breast cancer. I am 35 years old. I have two children, age 10 & 6 and a wonderful, loving husband. I have always been blessed with great health so this came as such a shock.

It has been a month now since my bilateral mastectomy and I'm feeling really good. I'm about to start my 5 month journey with chemotherapy. I'm excited to have a wig so that even though things on the inside will be different, I will feel more normal on the outside.

Along this journey, there have been so many miracles, almost daily. Those miracles have come as amazing, loving doctors, love from friends and family, meals, notes, gifts, hugs, messages and so much more. The miracles I see daily have given me the strength to have faith, hope and love for those around me.

It may sound unbelievable, but this challenge has blessed my life. It has blessed my family. Look for the miracles and you will find peace, hope, love and happiness."

-Ann Cox


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